
Evolution of performances in selection farm Large White and Landrace.


The first aim of a breeding scheme is to define the criteria to improve and then to identify and to select within its purebred population the animals improving these criteria. The identification of these improver animals enable to carry out genetic progress. The best boars selected and placed in artificial insemination center enable the diffusion of the genetic progress.

 In female lines, the improvement of Maternal Qualities has been defined has priority and in particular the increase of prolificacy.

 The tables below show the genetic progress done in the selection farms Large White and Landrace from 2012 to 2015.

 Large White


Nb piglets total born

Nb piglets born alive


+ 1.2

+ 1.4

All sows

+ 0.7

+ 0.6




Nb piglets total born

Nb piglets born alive


+ 1.1

+ 0.92

All sows

+ 1.0

+ 0.85


The evolution of prolificacy in Large White and Landrace shows the efficiency of the new breeding goal and of the breeding methods applied daily.

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