Duroc by Nucléus
The Meat Quality Reference
We strongly focus on legs quality, rusticity, and top body shape when selecting boars Duroc by NUCLEUS.
- 1150 g/d ADG
- 30 - 115 kg
- PH
- color
- 3%
- Vigor
- survival rate
- > Growth
- > Meat Quality
- > Intramuscular Fat
- > Backfat
- > Lean Meat Percentage
In Duroc selection farms, animals are regularly controlled for major diseases in order to deliver the healthiest animals : free of Mycoplasma Hyopneumoniae, Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae, Athrophicans Rhinitis, PRRS.
Why choose the Boar Duroc by Nucléus for your farm ?
The first undeniable advantage of the boar Duroc by Nucléus is its optimal quality of meat, which makes it an excellent pork for deli products thanks to the quality of its meat. Combined with this a very good musculature and rapid fattening capacity: the Duroc boar is an ideal breed for your breeding.
The use of Duroc as a terminal boar is particularly widespread.
The optimal taste of Duroc pork
Pork from Duroc by Nucleus boars is the benchmark for meat quality. The Duroc has an excellent meat yield thanks to its very good musculature. Its muscle depth and the depth of its fat and hams are associated with an intramuscular fat presence of more than 3%.Its feeding capacity as well as its growth are very fast, so it has a GMQ (30 - 115 kg) of about 1150 g/day!
However, the carcass of this breed is not too fat. The quality meat from this boar is the origin of an unparalleled flavor even in ripening condition.
The boar Duroc by Nucleus: a boar with multiple advantages
The Duroc by Nucleus breed is particularly selected on its growth performance and on the quality of its meat..However, this noble and robust breed is also distinguished by its heavy and robust carcass and large size. This well tempered pig has a uniformly red dress and small drooping ears. Beyond that, we note that this breed is rapidly reaching maturity, an advantage that compensates for its lack of numerical productivity.However, it should be noted that the piglets from the Duroc breed are very vigorous, ideal for good breeding performance.

The opinion of a farmer
Using Duroc by Nucleus is the guarantee to produce high quality meat
Our production of heavy pigs enables us to valorize the best of Duroc superior quality meat, both with fresh meat and dry products. Coming from boars Duroc by Nucléus, specially selected on intramuscular fat, our pigs have excellent production results (ADG, FCR, Lean Meat Percentage) and mainly produce optimum meat quality : water holding capacity, colour, pH, intramuscular fat.
Leire Loyatho - Ferme Elizaldia